
Archive for January, 2021

This blog is in response to, better yet inspired by, the video I posted a link to bellow titled “What Do Blind People “See” When They Sleep?”
The YouTuber is WATOP. He has some pretty fun videos, you might want to check his channel out.

The description for the WATOP video says,

“You know how it happens in your dreams? When you try to run, but your legs barely move, as if they are down in the clay… Or when you close your eyes and you find yourself in a place where you have always dreamed to be. Or when you dream that there are a hundred dollars on the road and in the morning you go out of the house and you really find them? Such things happened to everyone at least once, and if not, it will happen to you. So, in this video you will learn how the president Abraham Lincoln anticipated his death in his sleep, what kind of dreams do the blind see and how can your most terrible nightmare come out into reality.”


I used to have chronic sleep paralysis. I didn’t know that it was sleep paralysis and I didn’t know the science behind it at that time. Instead I was taught it was demonic attacks. Regardless, I learned a lot about the world of dreams because of it. I unwittingly learned how to lucid dream, which I again did know that it was called that. Once I did learn the truth about these things I had no longer suffered from having the paralysis often, just once in a while. I believe I learned the truth from Lauri Loewenberg ( link bellow), a dream expert. She encouraged people who had sleep paralysis to not fight it or fear it but instead to use the time to do things they couldn’t do awake, such as flying, and just enjoy the mental freedom until the chemical receded or they fell back asleep.
The link to Lauri Loewenberg’s website is https://www.lauriloewenberg.com/ .

What Are the Common Scary Symptoms of Sleep Paralysis?

Although I had a fair share of lucid dreams, I never really enjoyed a sleep paralysis episode even though I knew what was happening, I just wanted it to be over. I think it’s possible that I could have a bit of ptsd because of the past and years of believing it was demonic.

Sleep paralysis - Wikipedia

As far as nightmares, when I was more in touch with my dream life and could end up realizing I was dreaming, I found ways to change the nightmare or to wake up. If I was being chased, I’d stop and face the thing chasing me and then I’d run at it in an attempt to hug it, grab it, pet it’s face, and etc. I never got to hug it though cause before I reached it either the dream would change or I’d wake up. For other types of nightmares I’d do the opposite of what a nightmare “wants”. I’ve had some pretty epic dreams because of this.

Bridge with Mirrors | Filming Locations

As far as dreaming and solving the mystery of where that guy lost his keys, it wasn’t supernatural. His brain was there when he put them in the frig. He was obviously distracted or tired and while awake he couldn’t access his subconscious. However, in a dream state the subconscious can be accessed and there are no limits on what you can do.

Lost Keys Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from CartoonStock

Regarding the death of President Lincoln, his subconscious predicting his death to him in a dream is not a surprise. He was about to put laws into order that would help the newly freed slaves leave the plantations and survive on their own. With him gone and Vice Pres Johnson in command, the freed slaves could be bullied into becoming indentured servants. So, the plantation owners would still be able to run their businesses without the extra cost of hiring people. This was a huge important deal to them. President Lincoln had to have known his plans would put him in jeopardy. He also may have pushed those thoughts aside, but, his subconscious was concerned and tried to get him to face it in a dream.

The Final Days of Abraham Lincoln - Biography

I believe we don’t give the ability of our brains enough credit. When we figure something out or know what’s gonna happen and then it does, many people jump to the conclusion that it’s some kind of supernatural interference/aid.

DIVINE INTERVENTION – Bible Believing Gospel Church in Nigeria, Africa and  for the world

We may not even see ourselves as very intelligent so we deduct that it couldn’t have been something our brain figured out by basically “putting two and two together.” I used to believe and think this way. It didn’t help that there were people who put me down and compared me to others who they felt were more intelligent. So believing that anything that my brain actually worked out was really an act of God, sadly, came naturally.

How To Heal From Emotional Abuse – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Funny thing, if you want to believe your not that amazing, and that your accomplishments are due to supernatural aid, well, that’s how you will perceive things. And you know why you’ll see things this way? Cause your brain is capable of making you see what it is you believe to be true. It will even alter your memories to accommodate this.

Are memories reliable? Expert explains how they change more than we realise

I know there are many people that have examples and experiences that they feel prove me wrong. And if I am proven wrong, that’s cool, I don’t mind. However, if you want to convince someone that your supernatural beliefs are real, your own personal stories are your own, they are not proof to others who think critically and skeptically. In order to prove something it must be repeatable and observable and recordable by various kinds of people other than your circle of friends. In other words, by using the scientific method which is non bias.

How to know if something is true - Quora

Well, that’s it for now. If you have any questions, ask away! Just remember to be respectful.

BE NICE – TeeFury

Btw, all the images were found on Googles image search engine.

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A, B, & C are the three questions that were asked.

1-10 are my answers.

– C +

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