
Archive for April, 2019

Dreams are like ignored children.

temper tantrom kid

Children will often cry, scream, and throw temper tantrums in order to convey their ideas, anxiety, and even simple requests.

Our minds, our deep thoughts, and ideas get lost and ignored in our business, so, our mind will insist on communicating with us in the realm of our dreams using odd and colorful images in a sort of desperation to get through to us.

I believe understanding the psychology behind dreams and understanding the symbolism is important and can be very helpful in our day to day living.

What our subconscious may be trying to get across to us may not always be correct, regardless, understanding where we are mentally still helps us move forward. Wither it’s understanding our true desires or that we still need healing, and so on, it’s enlightening and helpful.

There’s a lot of info out there on what the symbolism means. I tend to go with what makes sense and adds up. Although most of us share the symbols there can be differences, so, in my opinion, it’s not an exact thing. My daughter has Asperger’s and we find that some common symbolism interpretations don’t seem to work for her.

I still think understanding the basics can possibly help one understand how their own mind works and maybe help them find a pattern for themselves.


Sometimes I don’t want to deal with what my subconscious is throwing a fit over, I mean giving me a whack dream over. Regardless, it knows what’s actually affecting me and honestly, I should listen because working on what is really affecting me is much more productive in bettering myself and improving my overall health.

Usually I have a pretty good understanding of dreams, however, sometimes I draw a blank. My go-to symbolism word search for dreams is Laurie Laurenbergs whatyourdreammeans.com. It’s a simple word search meaning generator that I find helpful without extra frills. Frills are an option though if that’s something you like.

I have had those “you watched too many episodes of American Horror Story” dreams. While I may find them disturbing, or even inspirational, lol, I don’t take them too seriously. That’s gonna happen.

I think one of the most disturbing ones are the feature-length beginning to end movie like dreams that are super awesome but I can’t remember a few minutes after waking. Arg! Missed book opportunity major!

bed side note pad

On that note, if you want to remember your dreams, from what I’ve learned and experienced, you need to convince your brain that this is indeed what you desire. One way to attempt to do this is to write your dreams down as soon as you wake, or at least write everything you can recall even if it’s just a couple of words. The idea is that the more you do this the more your brain gets the message that you actually really do want to remember and if it works you should start recalling more and more, improving your dream recall as you go. There are other techniques you can look up and try if you want and find what’s best for you. I find that even just talking about it with people, analyzing not just mine but others dreams and researching them helps me with dream recall. When I’m not doing this my dreams just seem to fade and are easily forgotten.

Wither you’re interested in what your subconscious wants you to pay attention to or not, be comforted in understanding that your brain actually cares about you. That’s you! You care about you even if it’s in your deepest hidden self.
Also, understanding that the scary, sad, and disturbing dreams are actually symbolism and contain a helpful message can help one overcome the unnecessary pain, fear, and anxiety that misunderstood dreams often bring.


an uninterpreted dream.jpg

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