
Archive for October, 2022

Indigenous People Day A Poem by Lorenakoran 10/10/2022

May we remember

this “Columbus day”

for the horror that happened

and not run away

but declare the truth

and steadfast stay

rather than hide it

or white wash it away

While it may have been our forefathers

that killed, enslaved, and maimed

our lack of action is

as if we are the same 

Indigenous People Day

won’t take the past away

but rather give us a new focus

In order to redeem the day

Giving support

acknowledging the past

exposing ghosts in the closet

being honest at last

Admitting one’s wrong

doesn’t make one less of a man

history is to be learned from

and ones pride shouldn’t ruin the land

So let’s stand with our human family

stand and declare with solidarity

that we’ll teach our children

and move forward with clarity

finding ways

to mend the gaps and crevasses 

working together and listening

A heart of humility within us

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