
Posts Tagged ‘creep’

I’m not saying there isn’t some truth to this poster, but it isn’t just that simple.


My ex was rejected as a kid so he adapted by learning how not to need anyone. Because of this adaption he had a difficult and sometimes impossible time of advancing in the work place which still affects him to this day. More likely now days if he was a kid he would have been diagnosed with aspergers and had more opertunity to be taught how to live in society with social skills that could help him navigate and even master the working world.


But back then, before they issued official labels they had the unofficial ones like “socially retarded”, “retard”, “fatso”, “the dumb kid”, “hyper”, “moody”, “stoner”, “creep”, “weird-o”, “demon possessed”, and so on.


I understand we as humans have an awful hard time balancing things and in some places the kids are “drugged” instead of teaching them coping skills and life skills. But it’s not everywhere, there are a lot of places that are careful with handing out meds and look for other ways to help the children. But in order to do so they need the diagnoses or labels or they get tangled in red tape and their hands are tied.


Three of my four kids have special needs relating to Autism. I’ve been through the bad and the good first hand.


It takes time for people to figure out things, get rid of fears, cut through tape and so on.


If a school or teacher is drug happy then they need to be called out for it and exposed. It helps if there is more then one parent doing this of course and if there is some kind of legal aid involved.


I do agree that there are folks who jump to conclusions when the kids are just being kids. But I also see parents like myself questioning ourselves on wither our child’s actions were related to their mental issue or just because they are a kid. Dealing with a kid acting like a kids as just that is just as important as dealing with a mental issue as a mental issue.


As far as the past there are way to many adults on meds today to say it was all better back then.


The person who put the poster together used the word disease. They could have used other more appropriate words but the fact that they used “disease” makes it look like propaganda. Using strong words with emotional ties to cause a reaction. Throwing depression in there bothers me too because “back in the day” wasn’t exactly suicide free.


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