
Posts Tagged ‘cfs’

I didn’t mean for it to come off that way and eventually Tyler and I came to an understanding, for which I’m thankful. Meanwhile, Kara’s asleep.

I know people with plenty but I don’t think they give a second thought about helping and I wont ask them. I’m not really even sure why, maybe it’s something I should do. I think it may be a flaw. I’m not sure of the psychology here, I’m too tired to think deep right now.

Also, if you’re wondering, yes, I did apply for disability and I was denied. Yes, I plan to keep at it but I haven’t yet, it’s one of the many things I need to do.
I don’t mind working, I often even like it, but my body is so wore out.
When it comes to CFS and fibromyalgia I can’t plan for when I’ll be okay and when I won’t. I can often get an idea but it’s not a set schedule.

Note; Regarding the art, I used an AI generator to do them. I altered a few of them on paint. I understand it is preferred to actually pay real people to do art work but I have no way of being able to pay for that. If I did I certainly would do it. I’d love to take some art courses so I could do my own art without the help of an AI art generator but for now this is what works. You can find my NightCafe AI art page at https://creator.nightcafe.studio/u/LoriRevels . Be sure to check it out and heart the art you like, comment, and Follow! Thanks!

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Some people with chronic pain are not able to work, some can, and some choose to try. Regardless, it’s important that they have a dedicated medical specialist to help manage their symptoms and pain. Obviously, here in the US, one needs medical insurance for this. 

Government and state insurance usually prefer people to work but will quickly and without much, if any, warning cut the insurance down or completely off if they decide the person is making “too much” money. 

In order to continue working, for many it is imperative that the person have their medication and in order to keep getting their medication they need to keep seeing their specialist and/or doctor which is often not possible once the gov and state insurance are cut off. 

This doesn’t just apply to people with chronic pain, it applies to many other conditions including mood disorders and mental psychosis. 

For instance, a person with depression might be able to hold down a job quite well and be very successful while consistently on their medication. But, when the gov and state insurance is cut off there’s a good chance they will not be able to cover the cost of the doctor and the meds thus causing them to not just lose their employment but possibly end up with a bad employment record as well. 

Making a few extra bucks will not cover medical expenses. There are some places that have clinics with sliding scales and some of those places are reliable, sadly many are not. There are businesses that offer prescription discounts, but when your first priority is keeping a roof over your head, running water and electricity, and food on the table, there’s often nothing left for that “copay”. Hospitals often offer financial assistance for folks who do not have and can’t afford medical insurance, while it may look nice on paper, the assistance doesn’t cover all the expenses and the person is left in debt for years to come and will often no longer seek much needed medical and mental help any longer.
Many jobs offer insurance if a person works a certain amount of hours and it’s usually not free. Many people with chronic pain and other physical and mental challenges can not work the required amount of hours to qualify and can not afford the cost of the insurance they would be required to pay. So this is not, in many cases, a viable possibility.
It may seem understandable that the government and state do not want to be taken advantage of, but their requirements are not reasonable and are actually causing many folks who do not want to be dependent on the “system” even more dependent because it comes down to a more “do or die” type choice.
And really, it’s not even that simple, but this is a touch of what is going on in our country right now.
If we had free healthcare for all, it may cause very wealthy CEO’s  to lose some money, but it would make a huge positive difference for the majority of Americans. It won’t solve all our problems, but imagine if people could get the medical aid and the mends they need! Imagine if people with chronic pain weren’t in so much pain! Imagine if people with depression and bi polar and schizophrenia and other mood disorders and psychosis had access to their meds and the help to be and stay on them! While not everyone would take full advantage of this I believe many would and I believe it would eliminate much of the unemployment, much of the aggression, much of the subsidies, much of the “road rage”, and so on.
For those who don’t believe in the medical system in general, put your money where your mouth is. If you have magical cures, give them away. The average person can not afford your snake oil whether it works or not. So if you’re not gonna supply it for free to all who ask then please help support the quest for free health care. And for those who are fearful that free healthcare will lead us into socialism and communism, that is not necessarily true, and your fear is likely causing many to suffer. So while you are afraid of a government that will cause people to suffer, you yourself are doing the very same. Please stop it! Please stop hindering people from getting healthcare, please do the right thing and stop causing and promoting harm. 

If none of this affects you personally, or so you think anyway, as a human with compassion, please get involved and help this country overcome big corp and start actually taking care of it’s people. 

There are folks who believe if anything is “free” then it will magically cause people to become lazy. Maybe this will happen to a few, or not, but people in general tend to overwork, not underwork, themselves. Big corp has promoted the idea of lazymess to keep us enslaved for years. Most of us are quite brainwashed about this. Time to pull that plug, we are not lazy, we are literally being worked to death. 

When we truly band together for this much needed human right we need to be ready for insurance companies and any company and person who may lose millions and billions to bare their teeth and claws and do and say anything to propagate fear in order to stop it from happening, They do not want to lose their grip on this country, they are milking us and they will do anything, they will lie, cheat, and threaten, they will buy people off, they will use anyone. Beware and be ready and don’t fall for their nasty propaganda. They will use politics, religion, community, family, anything and everything. They will find your passions and use them against you. They will pretend they are on your side. They will be desperate and they will not go out without a fight. 

Freedom isn’t easily won, we must not turn on each other and we must remain diligent and strong and when one of us is weakening we must be compassionate but remain firm. We have already overcome so much, we can do it again! Is this “our country”, is this “our land”? Big corp says “NO”, “no it is not, it is theirs”. There are way more of us than them, they may have the money, but we have the people!

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